Friends, it has been forever since I've written a blog post. The hubs and I went a little internet crazy and used up all our gigs of data and had to go almost two weeks with no internet...kill me. But it's back and TOMORROW is the first day of school....How did that happen? I don't know...
All of my school friends were getting sick of my back to school status updates and pins and what not, but my room is finally (at least I think) finished. I can't even believe the transformation that this room has undergone. It only took me about two weeks, and lots of help from my lovely friend Sarah.
Outside my classroom door. The board has different school locations and my teacher's helper moves the little round sign that says "We are here" to the different locations. My little owls are attached to clothespins that holds student work.
View from classroom door. The classroom library is straight ahead but we won't be labeling the books until this week and next. It saves me time and will help my students remember what the features of fiction and nonfiction texts.
Closer look at my tables. The cups are hot glued and will hold ONLY a pencil. When that pencil breaks, they will hold it up and I will give them a new one. No pencil boxes on their tables for them to play with and drive me insane with all year.
Here are their table bins, right when you walk it. These will only come out when they need crayons, glue, or scissors. The ice buckets (which don't have labels just yet) will hold their journals. There is also a basket for notes, a lunch basket, and a nurse bucket.
My closet = my favorite thing in my room. Thank you to Sarah for deciding to add the chevron. I was just going to paint it blue...
Calendar math. Self explanatory. I'll also add literacy centers and math workstations later in the year to the pocket chart.
Front board. Lots of things going on, so I sectioned them off with chevron border. Job chart is to the left with the tree and owls.
I didn't add pictures of my desk because it is just pure craziness right now. I couldn't have the entire room looking first day of school ready.
Wish me luck, right now I've got 29 on roll...oh boy.