Thursday, March 28, 2013

the first [post] is the deepest

How it all began...

While getting ready to go somewhere one night with my husband, Chase, I pointed out a turquoise and white striped American Eagle shirt in my closet. I told him, "You see that shirt? I've had it since eighth grade...literally." (I'm still that sort of young adult who feels like high school was yesterday, but in reality it was over 5 years, with eighth grade, we're talking over 10 years He said to me, "Dang babe. You need to go shopping." --Seriously, a man...told a woman...that she needed to go shop. I am so not normal. --

So, the next weekend while in North Carolina visiting my good friend Sarah, we went "just looking" in Express, and he basically begged me to buy something. I ended up getting a beautiful 3/4 length coral top. I freaking love that top to death. I love the way it feels and makes me feel...and that shirt started a revolution.

I asked my husband the other day if he ever thought he would be the one to spurn this fashion-loving-lady from a simple first grade teacher, and he surprisingly replied with, "No, but I'm glad I did."

I've learned that fashion isn't just about the latest trends, high end brands, or spending money, but it's about dressing how you feel and wearing what you like. I feel so much more like myself and just overall happier when I wear a great outfit with colors, materials, and textures that I like rather than the same old khakis and cotton sweater everyday. --Now, don't get me wrong, I still love my khakis and cotton cardigans. Everybody's gotta have go-to's! --

This blog will be the story of how I manage that growing love for fashion and beauty products, all while maintaining my first grade teacher budget. --Wish me luck!-- I'll share some products/recipes/clothes/websites/etc. that I'm trying or in love with. Leave me feedback and let me know what you think as well as some of your favorites.


1 comment:

  1. You always look so stylish, grown up, and put together whenever I see you. I would have never guessed that your love of fashion was just beginning.
