Wednesday, January 14, 2015

There's TWO in there?!?

The day of our 8 week appointment came, after much impatient waiting. I felt like it would never get here, and I couldn’t wait to see our little peanut. I wasn’t really nervous about anything until I got to the actual doctor’s office. I started to doubt that I was really pregnant, and I hoped that everything was going ok. There’s just so much that can happen for no reason, but I was hopeful. We went into ultrasound first.

The woman took Chase and I back into the dimly lit room, and then I had to leave to go give a “urine specimen.”  (If there’s one thing I’ve learned about pregnancy, it is that there is a lot of pee involved. People checking your pee, having the urge to pee, peeing on yourself…it just goes on and on).
While I was so gracefully peeing in a cup, the sonographer and Chase were talking. Chase told her how originally I had hoped that we would have twins simply because I’ve always been obsessed with the idea of twins, but that they didn’t run in either of our families so we were sure that it was just one in there. He also told her that we hoped it was one because we were seriously considering using a midwife birth center in town. 

The ultrasound started and Chase asked if he could stand by me and hold my hand during the scan. The sonographer told him yes, so he moved closer to me. The instant she started the scan, my eyes were glued to the screen. Because I had binge watched pregnancy ultrasounds and baby shows for practically my whole life, I knew what I was looking for – that sweet, tiny little moving heartbeat. 

And I saw it.

Then, I saw another one. The sonographer asked me if I might want to reconsider the idea of wanting two when it finally clicked. I said, “There’s two! Honey, look, two.” To which Chase replied, “Huh? Two what? Why is there two? Two? That's more than one. Two? Why am I seeing two things?” The sonographer showed us both of their unique heartbeats and that they each had their own sacks. It was the most magical moment of our lives.

We got lots of pictures of our tiny little peanuts (plural, ah!) and then had to go back to the waiting room to wait for the nurse practitioner to see us. We must have had crazy expressions going on because other people were staring at us in the waiting room, and all we said was “twins.” To which everyone, still to this day, either replied with “Oh wow. Are you sure you can handle twins?” or “Double trouble!” or “Say goodbye to ever sleeping.” We couldn’t even think.

I instantly had a million questions. Were they identical or fraternal? (Fraternal) How did this even happen? (I ovulated two eggs) Could I still deliver vaginally? (Sure, depending on baby position)

We had originally planned on announcing the pregnancy at church during the volunteer service since Chase was doing the welcome, but we couldn’t hold it in. We facetimed my family in the parking lot and showed them the ultrasound pictures. They couldn’t believe it. Everyone was just so excited about their being TWO sweet blessings coming into the world.

We told Chase’s family at dinner that night and they were also shocked but super excited for us. I couldn’t believe it. God had not only blessed us with a baby, but with TWO babies. For someone who has always wanted to just be a mom and love children, this was the greatest news. I felt like I was floating on a cloud and instantly began pinning twin everything and thinking about life with two babies and instant siblings. It seemed crazy, but I was so excited to welcome the challenge, but I had no idea how much of a challenge this pregnancy would be. 

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