Sunday, May 12, 2013

Box Weekend Finale - Julep's Maven Box

Hooray for Sundays and Happy Mother's Day! This has been such a great weekend. I stayed home all day Saturday and spent the day giving our apartment some much needed t.l.c This morning started with a church home service at Tony and Lori's, followed by a delicious cookout and spending time in fellowship.

For this weekend's last box review, I saved one of my new favorites for last - Julep's Maven box.

I discovered this box when my friend Katie posted a coupon code for a free box. Gotta love free! So I checked it out and this monthly box subscription is so neat. For $20 a month, Julep sends you three nail polishes and an extra gift - usually scrub, mascara, lipstick, or some other beauty related product. When you sign up for this service, you start by taking a beauty profile quiz in which you answer questions by selecting pictures that look most like your style and things that you like. My style profile labeled me as Classic with a Twist. Pretty fitting for me. They then show you that month's collection based on your type. If you like another style better, you can choose that box for the month if you would like. You also have the option to skip a month or send the box to a friend. Lots of versatility here. 

 My only complaint is that I will have to be skipping each box for the rest of my life because we simply don't have the $20 a month to pay for it. However, if you are willing to pay the monthly price, Julep has some great polishes and extra beauty finds in each monthly box.

Although I was labeled Classic with a Twist, I really liked the fun colors in the It Girl box, so I chose that for my free box. Here's a breakdown of my box from the top:

Stefani - Gunmetal silver with flecks of gold.

Simone  - Baby pink with a bluish shimmer in the light.

Carly - Love this jelly nail polish. So much sparkle!

and Hoch. I added on Hoch for $4.99 because I really loved the emerald green color. I like to pair Hoch and Carly for a mermaid tail look.

My box also came with a sample of an instant warming foot scrub. Pedicure in a box!

If you'd like to become a Maven, you can sign up here. You can also get your first month's box free by entering the code 'FREEBOX' at checkout - all you have to pay is the s&h. 

Let me know what you think about Julep! I hope you enjoyed this weekend and my box reviews as much as I have! If you have any suggestions for other boxes for me to try, leave me a comment below. Happy Weekend everyone!

- Courtney

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