Monday, May 6, 2013

It's just another Manic[ure] Monday

What's the best way to start off a work week? With a manicure! Alright, so maybe it isn't the best way, but it certainly is a fun way to get things started. Just a quick back story on my love/hate relationship with my nails. I have bit my fingernails for longer than I can remember. I seriously bit them all the time - stressed, bored, happy, name it, I was biting them off. I decided to finally grow my nails out one summer and I did it...until finals came around and I got tired of them. I've grown them out a couple of more times since then (engagement, wedding), but I always kept going back to biting.

I finally read an article about how Zooey Deschanel had a problem biting her nails and used nail designs and different polishes as a way to get her to stop. I have since followed pursuit, and now we have Manicure Mondays. Yay!

To start us off, here is a very scandalous nail polish that I am in love with. It is part of the O.P.I. Bond Girls liquid sand collection and called...drum roll, cover your ears small children...Pussy Galore. Whew, I said it. Chase makes fun of me because it's just a character's name, but it's still so risque that I blush when I say it haha.

 If you've never tried a liquid sand finish, you've got to! I've found that it is such a forgiving polish finish and gives your nails some great texture. 

- Courtney

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